Our Story
Why we started Bottle Green, our mission and shared values
In 2012, two like-minded individuals met whilst working in the website division of a large corporation in Edinburgh. Alan was a web developer, and Stuart an SEO specialist.
We became good friends, with similar interests and a passion for using the internet to help people grow their businesses. We also shared frustrations with the corporate structure we were bound by. It was a large target-driven company that showed no real appetite for customer service.
We both agreed that small businesses could gain so much more if we could spend more time on really getting to know our clients, and researching their customers’ needs.
So, in 2013 we decided to become an SME, and Bottle Green was born!
Our goal was to help other SMEs get their websites found by their target audience, whilst providing the level of customer service they deserved.
Our new clients recommended us to friends and colleagues, and our reputation grew through word-of-mouth. Our SEO clients all found that they now had a stream of enquiries coming from their websites. The satisfaction we got from hearing business owners brag about thousands of pounds worth of new business they were getting through their websites, was immense.
Many of these early clients are still with us today, and we’ve taken great pride in knowing that we’ve played a key part in helping their businesses to grow and develop.